The Food Co-op

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Local Vendor Spotlight - Lioness Organics

Lioness Organics will be on sale for the whole month of March!

by Sheana Livingstone, Founder of Lioness Organics

An old friend and experienced business owner told me recently that, “the biggest mistake a small business can make is to think they need to get big fast”. That resonated with me. I was verging on that mistake. I was focusing on getting my product in as many organic food stores as possible. Hearing this piece of advice has allowed me to relax with the growth element for the moment, and improve what I already have.

With that being said, I am super excited to mention a few changes I am working on. Lioness Organics is in the process of receiving it’s USDA Organic Certification.  I am in the final stages, and hope to be offering certified organic products to you soon! Please know that Lioness Organics has always used organic ingredients, and will continue to do so even if the certification does not come through!

Another change I have been working on is packaging. I am aware that our rice paper pouches and simple labels do not carry the “WOW” factor that many other companies have. I have gone back and forth on changing the current packing to cardboard tubes, glass bottles, metal containers….and more. I have been unable to commit to a new package due to the waste factor that many of these other packages have.  Another element that has delayed my packaging change is that  a fancier package would increase the cost of the product, and the product itself would stay exactly the same. Overall, to make more waste, and increase the price feels morally wrong. The current packaging is food grade rice paper. Which means most of the package, when it reaches the landfill will breakdown, and go back to the earth with little harm done. I can get on board with this.

However, I am looking at fully biodegradable packages. Similar to what I have now, but in a Kraft material pouch. I am also inspired to jazz up the labels.  However, my first priority it to ensure that my packing is not wasteful.  

Lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who has helped Lioness Organics become what it is today. Without you this little business would be nothing. Cheers!