The Food Co-op

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Farm to school program Educators & updates

From The Community Wellness Project (CWP)

Introducing our School Garden Educators! Although we have written about our school garden projects over many years, we haven’t formally introduced the team. This year we have several new players, so this seems like a great time to show them off. Here they are to let you know what’s going on in their fall gardens!

CWP’s Support of East Jefferson County School Garden Educators

  • Each year we support all these programs with cash donations for educator contracts, materials and supplies; we divide all proceeds from our annual fundraiser at harvest time for each district to use where most needed

  • We purchased and shared NGSS-aligned garden curriculum for all garden educators to used

  • We support professional development for garden educators through a Community of Practice

A Note of Appreciation

We are SO proud of the garden educators! They have made a huge light shine on our little corner of the world. It’s easy to brag (anywhere we go!) about how our kiddos learn to grow, prepare, and eat fresh food; where they learn the principles of regenerative agriculture; learn that the resilience of communities relies on the resilience of local foodsheds; where they begin to understand that our individual choices make a difference to our bodies, our communities, and our planet. Simultaneously, our schools incorporate locally-sourced, fresh, nutrient-dense foods in school meals, so students are best equipped to learn, grow, and thrive.

Thank you, Garden Educators!!!!