The Food Co-op

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What Is the Role of a Co-op Board?

by Lisa Barclay

Board work is not what people usually think it is. We do not direct the day-to-day operations of the Co-op. We do not tell the store manager who to hire or the buyers what to purchase or the Marketing Team how to do outreach. Instead, we set the overall goals of the Co-op and the parameters within which operations will work. Our only employee is the general manager and we set her parameters through policy (our Ends and Executive Limitations policies). She runs the store and writes reports for the board so we can verify that we are going in the direction we set.

Being on a cooperative board is not like being on a state or federal legislature. Every board member has a fiduciary duty to the cooperative’s member-owners as a whole and to the cooperative as a business enterprise. A legislator can represent a constituent group, or even a set of ideals, but a cooperative board member must represent the cooperative as a whole. We all bring our own experiences and knowledge, but we must be able to represent everyone.

In order to guide a food co-op effectively, a board writes policies to direct its own behavior (in our case, our Board Process and Board-Management Relationship policies). One of our most important policies is our C5 policy, our Code of Conduct. A board’s code of conduct sets clear expectations for board members, which all board members agree to follow when they join the board. The board must hold each member responsible for following the Code of Conduct or it becomes an empty promise, undermining all the board’s work. For instance, if the board is not seen as a safe space for conversation and disagreement, board members will not feel free to express their opinions. If the atmosphere of a board is characterized by tension and conflict, people will not be willing to volunteer their time to be board members. If some board members have undisclosed conflicts of interest, trust will erode.

Being a board member is not a job but a part-time volunteer position. We are your neighbors, who care deeply about the Co-op’s role in our community, providing access to good food, a place to bond with friends and strangers over a favorite cheese or apple, support for local farmers and producers, and dependable employment. The Co-op is crucial to the health of our community, so we are willing to give our time to keep it strong. With 110 employees and 7500 members, the Co-op is a complex organization, and we appreciate your support and understanding as we navigate the many needs the Co-op is called upon to meet.