The Food Co-op

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April is Earth Month!

Happy 50th Earth Month!

What are you doing at home this month to celebrate Earth Month or taking steps towards Zero Waste? Let’s share ideas and inspire each other as we stay home.

Please post a comment about what you are up to below!

Earthy projects and challenges to do this month:

  1. Organize your glass jars

  2. DIY bread

  3. Make your own egg dye

  4. Unplug your devices for one day = write in a journal (make a journal!)

  5. Try eating only whole foods for one day

  6. Try a plant powered meal

  7. Make a homemade cleaning product

  8. Plant seeds, start a garden!

  9. Try not throwing anything away for one day - can you reuse it?

  10. Try your Instantpot

  11. DIY lip balm

  12. Look for appliances that you aren’t really using and unplug them

Some DIY projects are harder when you don’t have all of the available ingredients. Experiment! If you need inspiration or recipes for any of these ideas, comment and can share sources.

Earth Month Inspirations


We started some seeds indoors using available materials:
paper towel and TP rolls, egg cartons, and last years seeds.

This is a fun project for kids to see the seedlings sprout and then plant them outdoors when it is warm enough.


We are making sourdough starter! Check back for these recipes:

Pancakes, Waffles, Bread, Pizza, Biscuits, Tortillas, Potato Sourdough Starter