The Food Co-op

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MASK UPDATE from the General Manager

Member COVID-19 update by Kenna S. Eaton, GM

Good news everyone!

Governor Inslee announced today that most of the COVID-19 restrictions that have been in place will be lifted on Wednesday, June 30th; meaning restaurants, bars and other businesses can resume full indoor occupancy levels and physical distancing requirements will be lifted.

Dr Locke, Jefferson County Department of Health, in his weekly update to the Jefferson County Commissioners echoed this position and stated that as of June 30th, we will follow the State of Washington and the CDC guidelines for masks which states if you are not fully vaccinated, and aged two or older, you should wear a mask in indoor public places.

So how will we operationalize this new stage?

We have new signage for shoppers stating that masks are optional only if they are fully vaccinated. Yes, people can still wear masks if they choose. The final language for that sign is: “Not fully vaccinated? Wear a mask”.

Customers will be on the honor system. We will NOT be checking that they/you really are vaccinated. We’re counting on all of you to do the right thing. Staff is a different matter and that is because we are required by Labor and Industries (LnI) to verify that they are vaccinated before allowing them to work unmasked. And yes, according to Dr Locke and LnI, this is both legal & required.

In terms of other operational changes, we checked in with the FE team to see whether or not they were ready to take down the plexiglass shields. Apparently, they have mixed feelings, so the compromise was to lower them by a foot or so which will allow them to better understand what people are saying. The Dining Room will stay closed for now as we need the space for Coop2 GO and forward buying—supply chain challenges are still very real and likely will be for at least the rest of this year.

Well, everyone—I think we made it! As I told members at our recent virtual AGM, and in the Annual Report to members (in the center of our newsletter and online) we did this in large part because of our staff—they truly were, and still are, mission critical to our success. As are you, our members. Thank you, all of you, for hanging in there during those tough times and for all of your ongoing support.

Stay well and keep cool,

Kenna, GM