The Food Co-op

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Member Survey Response

by Kenna S Eaton, GM

Every three years or so, our Co-op conducts a member satisfaction survey to find out how well we are serving our members, and how we can continue to improve. In July 2021, we conducted a random -selection survey, and 483 people (21%) responded. That’s a pretty decent response rate for a random survey, so thank you to everyone who filled it out!

Compared with other food co-ops around the country (who use the same survey) here’s how we rank:

• We rank in the top 25% for “meeting our members’ needs very well”

• We rank in the top 25% for fresh fruits and vegetables, bulk, and grocery

• We rank in the bottom 25% for “parking” and “staff friendliness”

Our “take-away” from this survey is that, while we cannot do much more to improve our parking at this location, we can do more to strengthen customer service. We also know that we are in the height of the pandemic, and everyone is still pretty stressed out. Regardless we will work on our welcome and hope it makes for a friendlier shopping trip.

In summary, you gave us great feedback and helpful suggestions, and most importantly – affirmed that we are serving our members well - with 95% of respondents saying they are very happy with the Co-op’s overall performance. Thank you for being such loyal shoppers, thank you for caring, and thank you for being part of our community’s only member-owned grocery store and recently ranked as the ‘Best Grocery’ in the PT Leaders’ Readers Choice Awards!