Lentils and Love

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By Sidonie Maroon

Recipes Included

Holly Gossett Soup

French Lentil and Nettle Ragout with Lemon-Mustard Pistou

Creamy Tomato Lentils with Garlic Roasted Crimini Mushrooms 

Creamy Lentils 

Kathy told me right off that she didn’t like lentils. “I’m hoping to change your mind.” I told her at my Vegetarian Indian cooking class. Sneaky me, I let her team cook the creamy lentil dal recipe. Sure enough, when we ate, she admitted that the lentils were her favorite, and she’d be making them again.

Lentils get a bad rap. They’re considered poverty or hippie food. Somewhere along the road of life you ate a mushy bowl of lentils, maybe with tamari and nutritional yeast? Now, and forever more you don’t like them. I’m hoping to change your mind.

I’m hoping to change your mind, but not because they’re nutritious. Although, the lowly lentil’s resume reads like a superfood! One cup of cooked lentils has:

17.9 grams protein

0.8 gram fat

15.6 grams fiber

358 micrograms folate (90 percent DV)

1 milligram manganese (49 percent DV)

6.6 milligrams iron (37 percent DV)

356 milligrams phosphorus (36 percent DV)

0.5 milligram copper (25% DV)

0.3 milligram thiamine (22% DV)

731 milligrams potassium (21% DV)

0.4 milligram vitamin B6 (18% DV)

71.3 milligram magnesium (18% DV)

2.5 milligrams zinc (17% DV)

1.3 milligrams pantothenic acid (13% DV)

2.1 milligrams niacin (10% DV)

0.1 milligram riboflavin (9% DV)

5.5 micrograms selenium (8% DV)

3 milligrams vitamin C (5% DV)

Or because of their health benefits. Although, lentils are healthy... If you’re interested: lentils are high in fiber, help protect your heart health, promote regularity, help manage blood sugar levels, are a plant-based source of high protein, are prebiotic which feeds your gut flora. We consider lentils a top “functional food” because of their polyphenols, minerals, fiber and other bioactive compounds.

But, get real, we know the truth. You will eat nothing just because it’s nutritious and healthy. You aren’t going to, no matter how good it is for you. Right? Maybe if you knew how inexpensive they were? That humans have eaten them for over 8000 years? That all the Blue Zones eat lentils weekly? How about that Washington State is a premiere lentil growing region?  

I still want to change your mind, and I only have one honest way left. I’ll share how delicious lentils are. Recipes abound from India, Pakistan, Egypt, France, Israel, Ethiopia, Iran... They add fresh herbs, lemons, spices, vegetables, lots of garlic and onions. My mouth is watering.

There are many varieties of lentils. Each has its own unique flavor and texture profile. 

Brown and green lentils are the most popular types in many countries

Red lentils/Egyptian lentils (usually split and have the most earthy flavor)

Brown/Spanish Pardina lentils

French green lentils/puy lentils (which have a dark, speckled, blue-green color)

Black lentils (also called beluga lentils)

Yellow lentils/tan lentils (which are red inside and mostly used in India to make dhal)

My Food Coop favorites are the Spanish Pardina, which hold their shape when cooked with a creamy interior. Red lentils, which melt and dissolve when cooked into a rich background for soup and dal. The French lentils also hold their shape and are wonderful for salads and warm side dishes, especially with sausages and mustard. Beluga lentils also hold their shape and have a nutty flavor. 

The last trick I have up my sleeve is to invite you to cook my recipes. The next time you see me, let me know — Do you love lentils now?

 Holly Gossett Soup

Tomato, Red Lentil and Coconut

Instant Pot

Makes 3 quarts

1 hour

All the creamy goodness of tomato soup with nourishing red lentils, coconut,  garlic and ginger. The toasted sesame, coconut, cumin topping takes it — well over the top.



¼ cup avocado or olive oil

2 medium yellow onions, chopped

8 cloves garlic, chopped

4 slices fresh ginger with peel, minced (about 2 tablespoons)

2 stalks celery, diced

2 medium carrots, chopped


1 ½ cups, red lentils, washed

8 cups water

28-ounce can of diced tomatoes

6 ounces of tomato paste

14 fluid ounce can of full fat coconut milk

1 teaspoon fine sea salt


3 teaspoons flaked sea salt

½ teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon red pepper flakes, or to taste

6 tablespoons coconut sugar

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar


1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes

½ cup hulled sesame seeds

1 tablespoon cumin seed

½ teaspoon fine sea salt

½ teaspoon flaked sea salt



Set the Instant Pot to high saute. In the warmed oil, saute the onions until sweet, about 10 minutes. Add celery and carrots and continue to saute for another 5 minutes. Add ginger and garlic and saute for another 3 minutes.

Add the red lentils, fine sea salt  and water to the saute. With the lid on, set the Instant Pot to high pressure for 30 minutes with a natural release. Open the pot and stir in canned tomatoes, paste and coconut milk. Using a high-powered blender, blend the soup in batches until velvety smooth. You will need an extra big pot or work bowl. Return the pureed soup to the pot, and tasting as you go along, add the finishing ingredients until the flavors are exciting. Serve hot with topping.


While the soup cooks, toast the topping ingredients, over a medium high heat, in a heavy-bottomed skillet, until golden brown. In a food processor, briefly pulse the topping ingredients together, but don’t blend into a powder. Serve it at the table with the soup.

French Lentil and Nettle Ragout with Lemon-Mustard Pistou

Serves 6

Time 1 hour

Nettles and French lentils are good partners, complimenting each other with complex earthy flavors. The bright lemon-mustard pistou, added at the end, sets up a satisfying contrast to this rich stew. Don’t be afraid to take the extra step and grind the quatre epices for this recipe. It’s easy and worth the effort, besides you’ll find many ways to use it, until it becomes a kitchen regular and indispensable.

For lentils

1 ½ cups, French lentils, picked over and rinsed

1 bay leaf

1 teaspoon sea salt

6 cups water 

For nettle ragout

¼ cup unsalted butter

2 medium onions cut into a small dice

2 carrots cut into a small dice

2 stalks celery cut into thin strips and minced

5 cloves garlic minced

2 cups packed blanched and chopped nettle leaves (wearing gloves, cut leaves off the nettle stalk with scissors)

⅔ cup white wine or sherry

1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves finely chopped, no stems 

1 teaspoon quatre epice or more to taste

¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 teaspoon sea salt or more to taste  


¾ cup chopped parsley 

¼ teaspoon sea salt

2 teaspoons dijon mustard

1 tablespoon zest of lemon  

¼ cup fresh lemon juice

Quatre epices

Grind together in a spice grinder or coffee mill:

1 tablespoon plus two teaspoons black peppercorns

1 nutmeg broken up with a mortar and pestle

2 teaspoons dried ginger root (not powder)

1 teaspoon allspice berries

First things first

Gather all ingredients and tools together, mise en place.

Grind the quatre epice and set aside 

Blanch the nettles in boiling water for 1 minute, just long enough to tame the sting. Drain and roughly chop.

Prep. all vegetables as described.


Rinse the lentils. In a saucepan, bring the lentils, bay leaf, salt and 6 cups of water to a boil, reduce to a lively simmer and cook until the lentils are tender but hold their shape. Depending on the age of the lentils, this can take 25 to 40 minutes. Drain the lentils through a colander before adding to the ragout. 


While the lentils are cooking, saute the onions in butter until sweet, 10 minutes. Add the carrots and celery and continue to saute for 5 minutes. Add the garlic and briefly soften for 3 minutes. Add nettles, thyme and spices. Deglaze with the wine, allowing it to cook off at a medium heat. The vegetables should be sweet and glazed.

Blend the mustard, lemon zest, lemon and salt together with the parsley in a small food processor. Taste and correct the flavors as needed.

Gently toss the drained lentils with the vegetables and pistou. Taste and correct as needed. 

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Creamy Tomato Lentils with Garlic Roasted Crimini Mushrooms 

Instant Pot 

Makes 2 quarts plus roasted mushrooms

1 ½ hours (mostly hands-off)

A rich and umami vegetarian main, that’s reminiscent of an Italian ragu. Everyone will want seconds, and if your guests aren’t lentils lovers, this may change their minds.    


For Instant Pot

¼ cup olive oil

1 large onion, chopped

3 celery stalks chopped into a small dice

2 medium carrots chopped into a small dice

6 cloves garlic, inner sprout removed, chopped

¾ cup Pardina lentils, washed and sorted

¾ cup black beluga lentils, washed and sorted  

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

1 tablespoon fish sauce, Red Boat brand

4 cups water

To finish stew 

1 cup whole milk or cream 

7 ounces tomato paste

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

Spice mix

¼ teaspoon black pepper

¼ teaspoon red pepper powder

1 tablespoon sweet paprika

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1 teaspoon whole coriander seed

2 dried bay leaves

Table Ingredients

lemon slices

grated Parmigiano Reggiano

Roasted mushroom ingredients

2 lbs cremini mushrooms, wipe to clean without water, cut in half

3 cloves garlic, finely minced

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano plus more for the table


Instant Pot Lentils

Set Instant Pot to high saute and warm the olive oil. Add the onions and saute, stirring occasionally for 10 minutes. Add the carrots, garlic and celery and continue to saute for another 5 minutes. Add the washed lentils, salt, fish sauce and water. Stir together. Check the Instant Pot seal and put the lid on. Set to high pressure for 30 minutes with a natural release.

While the stew cooks, Stir the tomato paste, salt and milk or cream together in a medium-sized bowl. Grind the spices together and sift through a sieve into the bowl and stir.

After the pressure has naturally released, open the IP lid. Pour in the tomato and cream mixture, and fold in. Add the mushroom juices to the stew. Check the flavors and keep hot.

Roasted Mushrooms

Time mushrooms so they are done at the same time as the stew. Preheat the oven to 425 F. Lay the mushrooms and garlic on a parchment lined large baking sheet. Rub all over with olive oil. Roast for 10 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven, and pour off any juice, and reserve for stew. Return the tray to the oven and continue to roast for another 10 to 15 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and grated parmesan, keeping them warm until the stew has finished.

To serve, Ladle the hot stew into wide shallow bowls, squeeze on some lemon, top with warm mushrooms and sprinkle on more cheese.

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Creamy Lentils 

Makes 1 ½ quarts

1 hour

Creamy and full of luscious flavors. This lentil dish will surprise delight and have you coming back for more. If this were everyone’s introduction to lentils, we’d eat a lot more of them. If you haven’t tried different lentils, this is your opportunity. In a pinch, regular brown lentils will work. 


Instant Pot

¼ cup ghee

2 onions chopped

8 cloves garlic, chopped

4 slices fresh ginger with peel (about 2 tablespoons minced)

4 slices fresh turmeric with peel (about 2 tablespoons minced) 

1 ½ cups Pardina or beluga lentils, washed and sorted

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

3 cups water

To finish

1 can (14 ounces) full fat coconut milk

¼ cup tomato paste

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon garam masala 

Fine sea salt to taste 

Garam Masala

2 tablespoons coriander seeds

1 tablespoon cumin seeds

½ teaspoon allspice berries

1 teaspoon green cardamom pods with hulls removed

2 dried bay leaves

1 teaspoon red pepper powder

2 teaspoons cinnamon


Instant Pot

Using a small food processor, grind the garlic, ginger and turmeric together into a rough paste. 

On high saute, melt the ghee and saute the onions for 8 minutes. Add the wet paste and continue to saute for 2 minutes more. Add the lentils, salt and water. Check the IP seal and put the lid on. Set to high pressure for 30 minutes with a natural release.

Using a spice grinder, grind the spices for garam masala. When the lentils are done, add coconut milk, tomato paste, garam masala, apple cider vinegar and salt to taste. Stir and correct if needed. Use the extra garam masala within two weeks.


Immunity Chicken Stew with Thyme
