Board Committees

The current board committees are outlined below. Meeting notes for board committees are included in the board agenda packet each month. If you have any questions about these committees, please reach out to the board of directors via email at:

In addition to these committees, the board established an ad hoc committee on diversity, equity, and inclusion in 2020, educating ourselves to help us as we write policy for the Co-op. We are currently exploring the options for a committee on equity, belonging, inclusivity, and accessibility (EBIA), working with cooperative consultants. We’ll update this page when we have more information.


    The Community Engagement Committee (CEC) organizes activities involving member-owners and the board, including the annual general member meeting (AGM), demos, and member forums.

    The CEC committee has two positions for members-at-large, who serve one-year terms. Time Commitment is 1 hour long meeting in person a month plus additional reading. Please fill out an application below if you are interested in participating. Thank you.


    BCC helps ensure the board and board officers are educated about their jobs and about cooperative issues. BCC organizes the study and engagement sections of the board meetings as well as board education and conferences.

    BCC is also heading up the search to choose a cooperative consultant to work with us on equity, belonging, inclusivity, and accessibility (EBIA).


    The Elections Committee organizes board elections, including recruiting and preparing candidates for board service. This committee consists of active board members.

Join our Community Engagement Committee (CEC)

The CEC committee has up to two members-at-large, who serve one-year terms. Please fill out the below application.