Special Spring Treat—Mystery Bay Ricotta!

Ricotta is just so simple and yet divine! So subtle yet exploding with flavor and enjoyable texture.  Sample it now, while you can!

Rachael at Mystery Bay Farm makes her ricotta only in the spring, when the goats’ milk is just right due to new grass and new babies. As she describes it, “Each spring I await the first batch and still its always better than I remember!” Fresh ricotta is completely different than the usual packaged variety. It’s like a little taste of spring. You can use it in spinach or grain salads, on pasta or in risotto, in sweet or savory dishes, and it holds its shape when baked, so great for appetizers or to replace paneer in Indian dishes. Rachael says, “We love it baked—eaten warm with (honestly) our hands. The milky sweetness gets almost caramelized, succulent, and pleasant—nothing else needed!”

Mystery Bay Farm is a small-scale family farm on five acres on Marrowstone Island, producing farmstead goat cheeses and yogurt, using milk from only their own animals. In addition to spring ricotta, look for their chèvres and yogurt at the Co-op. Goat chèvre and yogurt are really versatile—as just one idea, try using them in dips and salad dressings for extra flavor depth.

At Mystery Bay, Rachael and Scott are working to create a sustainable farming system: resilient, adaptable, and thus stable. They believe that farming can be done in an ecologically, economically, and socially responsible manner. They truly represent the best of what local farming can be.

Available for a limited time!


Available for a limited time! 🧀


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