Egg-cercising Patience

You may have noticed that the past few weeks have been a bit touch and go as far as our egg supply for both bulk and packaged options.  We are doing our best to try to keep things stocked for you but are facing a variety of challenges both locally and regionally.

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to a shortage of eggs. One of the main reasons currently is the outbreak of avian influenza (bird flu) which hit many countries, specially in US and even affecting our regional egg farmers. This disease can be highly contagious among poultry, and it can lead to significant mortality rates among birds. As a result, many egg-laying hens have been culled in order to prevent the spread of the disease. This has led to a reduction in the number of hens available to produce eggs, which in turn has led to a shortage of eggs.

Another reason is the disruptions to the supply chain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has led to an increase in demand for eggs as more people cook at home, as well as disruptions to transportation and distribution networks, which can make it difficult to get eggs from farms to grocery stores. This has led to some grocery stores experiencing shortages and temporary stockouts of eggs.

Additionally, some of the egg-producing plants in US were closed temporarily because of the pandemic. The closures and measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among workers has led to a reduction in the number of eggs that are being produced.

All of these factors combined have led to a shortage of eggs in some areas including ours.  It's also important to consider that egg prices usually increase when there is a shortage in supply but we are working to keep those costs as low as we can. So next time you are in the store, please egg-cercise some patience if it continues to be a “now you see them, now you don’t” type of scenario.

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