You may request to join the meeting by emailing by noon on Tuesday (09/05).
Member-Owner comments submitted to by 3:00 pm on Wednesday (09/06) will be read at the meeting.
We invite our member-owners to attend our board meetings, which are being held virtually on the first Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm. We usually begin with an introduction followed by officially starting the meeting and a 3-minute time allotment for each member-owner wishing to make comments on anything not on the meeting agenda. If applicable, we may have a “Study and Engagement” section, where we learn about and/or discuss some topic important to our cooperative or cooperatives in general, usually for about an hour. Then we conduct board business, such as discussing policies or the general manager’s reports.
Occasionally, the board also schedules a third Wednesday board meeting work session if more time is needed for a topic. No votes occur at these meetings, so any proposals suggested at a third Wednesday meeting will go on the agenda of the next regular board meeting.
Meeting packets are available one week prior to the regular board meeting, below the member-owner bulletin board at the front of the store (the one with photos of the board). Members can also request an electronic copy of the packet from the Board Assistant,