Thea O’Dell

As an Evergreen State College graduate with 35 years experience in customer service, including 7 years at our co-op, I have developed excellent listening skills and a deep appreciation for our wonderful corner of the Great Northwest.

And as a staff member and assistant team leader, I believe in fostering a kind, compassionate, and nurturing workplace, and take pride in what it means to be part of a cooperative. I am convinced that a thriving co-op depends not only on financial sustainability but also on a workplace culture that prioritizes equity, transparency, education, and respect.

I’m honored and excited to run for the staff position on the board. I get a thrill walking down our store’s aisles, seeing local produce and products from our friends and neighbors. It’s an inspiring daily reminder of why our co-op matters.

  • I’m eager to deepen my understanding of our co-op while actively contributing to its growth and impact. Serving on the board would allow me to support our community through nourishment, sustainability, and a strong local food system.

  • Working front of house at the co-op gives me a broad perspective of what does and doesn’t work for our members. Along with a huge love for what food co-ops stand for, I believe I can add to the boards perspective of what it means to be employed at a hustling, bustling, grocery store that operates with integrity.

  • I’m just learning about what the board does, but from what I understand, it has nothing to do with the daily operations of how the store is run. Rather, it keeps the general manager on track and accountable for our mission statement and long-term goals.

  • My interdisciplinary education at Evergreen State College helped me develop a big-picture perspective, allowing me to connect ideas across different fields and approach challenges thoughtfully. This has shaped how I understand the co-op, not just as a store, but as a community-driven organization where local sourcing, financial sustainability, and member engagement all work together to support our mission. I was also chair of the co-op’s safety committee for a period of time until COVID hit.

  • Since the co-op is a community oriented store selling groceries to a multitude of mindsets, beliefs, and individuals, I feel it’s important to put personal beliefs aside and work with the whole. 

  • I would listen with respect to all perspectives and ensure that decisions reflect the needs and expectations of our collective community while staying true to the co-op’s mission.

  • Taking shame out of mistakes and turning them into a learning process is vital. In my work when mistakes happen, we gently let co-workers know and then move forward. 

  • Customer service is a constant act of putting one’s personal ideas aside, while working with the vastly different viewpoints and needs of the public. But because I am human, the challenge for me is handling personal attacks, sometimes I have to take a moment and evaluate, is this my ego being bruised, or is this an issue that genuinely needs to be addressed?

  • We do regular team meetings for the front end at the co-op where we sometimes vote on changes to improve our work environment and job processes. I’m not afraid of coming up with ideas but am also extremely comfortable letting ideas go that don’t work for the group.

  • Again, I’m new to this and am excited to learn more, but how I understand it, we check in with the communities needs, the co-op’s fiduciary responsibility, and support the GM to uphold the values of a thriving local food system for generations to come.