GM Update


August 11, 2020

Beginning this week, in response to updated guidance from the Department of Labor, we have implemented an important change to our mask policy for staff. We will now require that all our staff wear masks, bandanas, or scarfs that fully cover their mouth and nose whenever they are not working alone. Face shields alone will no longer be an acceptable alternative—although we will continue to provide them to staff who want to use them in addition to masks for extra protection.

We have a handful of current employees who qualify for an accommodation who will continue to use face shields only until we get information from their medical providers and put another accommodation into place.

We look forward to the challenge of finding options that are safe for all our staff. We are learning a lot and plan to work with our allies in the disability communities to learn even more. We are already researching and buying see-thru masks for those who need them, face shields with loose masks or bandanas attached, and so on. Other options, for these who medically need them, may include offering leave, alternate work schedules, and/or more masking breaks.

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Thank you for being patient with us as we make this transition, and for understanding that wearing a mask for an 8-hour workday while throwing freight, helping you find the perfect bottle of wine, or cashiering is far different than a 20 minute shopping trip. And thank you for being kind, being calm, and being safe during this long emergency!

We hope you love our Sticker Mule  vinyl stickers  as much as we do! Terrific customer service AND they make three kinds of kicka$$ hot sauce!


August General Manager’s Report


Classic Potato Salad with Fingerlings