Board Service
Working Together to Nourish Our Community
Working Together to Nourish Our Community 🍒🍑🍋🥦🍇
Board Service!
The Co-op is all about food. It’s a place where we can shop for good food, support local agriculture and local producers, and meet up with friends in the aisles as we choose which apple we want in Produce or which salad from the Deli. It takes a lot of work to keep those shelves filled, much of it hidden behind the scenes or accomplished in the wee hours. So where does the board fit into this process?
Put simply, the board writes policies to set the direction of the Co-op and to keep our grocery business strong while upholding our values. Then we monitor to see that the policies are followed.
There are several aspects to this work. The board writes the Food Co-op’s Ends (the overarching goals of the Co-op), which the general manager uses to create the Co-op’s strategic plan. We also periodically update our mission and values statements, which put our aspirations for the Co-op into words. We write policies that set parameters for how we fulfill our goals. To do this work effectively, the board spends time learning about how to do our job as a board of a cooperative business, learning about issues pertinent to the Co-op, and discussing our future possibilities.
What the board does not do is supervise the day-to-day operations of the Co-op. We are member-owners, not experts in the grocery business. Instead, we hire a great general manager, who is an expert in this area, and we write policies that create a framework within which the general manager works to fulfill our Ends while upholding our standards and values. An important part of the board’s work is to trust and verify the results by monitoring progress through the general manager’s reports.
In order to do our job, the board spends time on education and training. We attend conferences and have work weekends. Before most board meetings, we have an educational session, and we also attend courses (online and in person).
Each board member has a fiduciary duty to the cooperative’s member-owners as a whole and to the cooperative as a business enterprise. We must represent the interests of all our member-owners as well as support the Food Co-op as a grocery business, not any particular subset of members or any cause. This is our legal duty as board members, very different from a legislator, who can often represent a particular group or set of ideals.
The board’s only authority is as a whole, not as individuals. In a society as individualistic as ours, this can take a little getting used to. It means no individual board member can act, make promises, or speak for the board unless given that responsibility by the board.
Because the board only has authority as a whole, we need to be able to work together as a team. Members must be:
Collaborative—Enjoy working as a team. Accept and support board decisions. Be willing to admit one’s mistakes.
Collegial—Listen carefully. Speak (and email) cordially and respectfully.
Cooperative—Recognize that opinions can legitimately vary, even on crucial issues. Strive to see others’ points of view and reach workable solutions.
Strategic Thinkers—Be future oriented and endeavor to see the big picture.
Flexible—Open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Able to change direction or take on new tasks.
Patient—Board work is not fast paced!
Usually around 8-10 hours a month, but often more. Board members attend board and committee meetings, some of which are during weekday hours. We read—and sometimes research and write—board materials. Each year board members attend work sessions and cooperative conferences, which necessitate additional time, both weekday and weekend.
The Food Co-op candidate process has multiple steps to prepare our candidates to serve on the board. If you are interested, contact us at