Beans for Bags: Humane Society of Jefferson County
The Humane Society of Jefferson County
Where are your Beans for Bags donations going? For the month of November and December, you can choose the Humane Society of Jefferson County as your recipient.
Thanks for helping us to reduce waste by bringing in your reusable containers and bags!
Doc is a purebred 15 weeks old German Shepherd puppy. A sweet, calm boy, just about potty trained with lots of trips outside. He is not at the shelter, he’s in foster care.
We are the open admission animal shelter for eastern Jefferson County. From the first of the year until October 15 we have found new homes for 274 cats and dogs. We also reunited 140 pets with their grateful owners. We can’t stress enough how vital it is to license your dog- it is the law too and a source of income for us.
Microchips are another way to help your pet get back to you. Cats with up to date chips have made some happy ending stories for us: one cat made his way from Coupeville to us, another from being lost in a move to Portland. You must update your info with the microchip company.
We couldn’t be as successful as we are with out our dedicated staff, our 50 or so volunteers (join us - more is better!) and of course our generous donors.
We offer our community:
Dog licenses, vital to your dog's return
We ask our community to:
License their dogs (it's the law)
Spay and neuter. If you need help paying ask our friends at OMPP for help.
Thanks for choosing us as one of the Beans for Bags recipients for this year.