The Beet
A Port Townsend Food Co-op Blog
Whether you're passionate about healthy recipes, sustainability initiatives, local giving programs, or supporting local farms, we’ve got something for you. Stay connected with the latest co-op news, learn how we’re making a difference in the community, and discover how you can get involved. Join us as we promote eco-friendly living and share the best in organic, local food."
Farm to school program Educators & updates
Meet the educators and learn about the latest garden updates from the Farm to School Program from Community Wellness Project.
Pairing Pears
Get ready to elevate your fall cooking with these irresistible pear recipes. Follow along with Sidonie Maroon as we learn a variety of ways to use this delicious autumn staple.
Join the Board’s community engagement committee
The Food Co-op Board is seeking two Members-at-Large to join our vibrant Community Engagement Committee.
Announcing the 2024 Grow Fund Selection
Announcing the 2024 Grow Fund Recipient - The Benji Project!
Sept/Oct Beans For Bags Spotlight: Jefferson Land Trust
Jefferson Land Trust working with the community to preserve open space, working lands, and habitat forever.
Fostering Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion at the Coop
The Food Co-op is committed to DEI, and accessibility within our organization and in our community. We’re here every day working to nourish our community, and living our values of respect, inclusion, participation,integrity, love, stewardship and resiliency.
With the autumn equinox near, Sidonie Maroon shares how to craft a charcuterie board that celebrates the season’s bounty by using fresh local ingredients.
Rethinking Weeknight Dinners
Weeknight dinners often feel rushed and chaotic, squeezed between work, school activities, and other responsibilities. Can we reinvent dinner into a satisfying experience of connection and wholesome food, while saving time and money?
Sept/Oct Beans For Bags Spotlight: Olympic Angels
Olympic Angels exists to radically improve the foster care experience for children and families on the Olympic Peninsula.
Sept 4th Board Meeting: Attendance and Participation
This Week’s Board Meeting: Attendance and Participation
Mentoring the next generation of food entrepreneurs
The Port Townsend Food Co-op, Skillmation & folks like YOU team up every year with PTHS Teacher Jen Kruse in her 9th Grade Life Skills Class to cook up some product magic and so much more
Back to School with Bento Boxes
Back to School with Bento Boxes + Recipes from Sidonie Maroon
August GM Report
Each month, I report to the board on what is happening in the store as well as our progress on our long-term goals, which we call our Ends. These Ends reflect our aspirations—what we want to accomplish—and they are part of what makes us different from a regular grocery store.
Quarterly Board Update
The Board of Directors of The Food Co-op is in a period of transition. Recently three board members have ended their time with us and four new board members have joined. To ensure all of our members-owners can stay informed, we’re debuting this new update memo, with the plan to send it out quarterly. Let us know what you think!
a to zucchini, Italian Style
Learn the A to Zucchini of Italian summer dishes with Sidonie Maroon.
Parking at the co-op
Recently we repainted the stripes in our parking lot and designated that space receiving. What does that mean, and can you still park there? Read for more about our parking situation.