The Beet

A Port Townsend Food Co-op Blog

Whether you're passionate about healthy recipes, sustainability initiatives, local giving programs, or supporting local farms, we’ve got something for you. Stay connected with the latest co-op news, learn how we’re making a difference in the community, and discover how you can get involved. Join us as we promote eco-friendly living and share the best in organic, local food."

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Recipe The Food Co-op Recipe The Food Co-op

Sauté Your Way Into Spring

Sautéing has a powerful mystique in the culinary world. Somehow, if you know how to cook with a little fat, in an open pan, over a relatively high heat, allowing the food to brown and not burn, by occasionally flipping it with a spatula, or show off style making the food jump into the air with wrist action then you are chef material.

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Recipe The Food Co-op Recipe The Food Co-op

Indispensable Parchment Paper

Years ago, a friend who owned an Italian restaurant taught me how to line baking pans when roasting veggies, and avoid nasty clean ups. I was grateful and bought parchment paper by the rolls.

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News The Food Co-op News The Food Co-op

Kitchen Kaboodle

In April, after easter, our Kitchen will undergo some maintenance. Kenna explains what this will mean for hot food and the deli during that week.

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Recipe The Food Co-op Recipe The Food Co-op

The Remarkable Black-Eyed Pea

Black-eyed peas weren’t part of my childhood, not even on New Year’s Day. In my thirties I made black-eyed pea stew with ham hocks — it was a favorite, but that was it. Then, when I taught world cooking, black-eyed peas popped up in recipes from Africa to Greece. My world opened. Black-eyed peas, bringers of good fortune, symbolize what happens when I allow something new in, and integrate an ingredient into my life.

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